ISBN: 9781900355711

Pages: 318

Price: £13.95 / $19.95

A fascinating murder trial becomes the vehicle to probe the very tenuous world of London's Jewish East End at the dawn of a new century. The trial itself becomes a mirror to view the shifting nature of Empire and institutions in the final years of Victoria's rule. Seen through the eys of two contemporary writers, based on Margaret Harkness and Israel Zangwill, the questions of assimilated Englishness and the nature of British justice become bound up in the multiple notions of guilt or innocence concerning a nation, a people and a young immigrant Jew.

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For more information about this title, please contact Ruth Philby

email: ruthphilby (at)




TAGS: East End London 1887, Jewish East End, Jewish immigration,Israel Lipski, Margaret Harkness, Israel Zangwill, Social history of Jews in London, Queen's Jubilee, Bob Biderman, Fitzjames Stephen, Virginia Woolf, Beatrice Potter, Simeon Singer